Speaker Details

Speaker Company

Mark Gorter - specialist sustainable mobility

Mark has specialized in sustainable mobility and charging infrastructure making a contribution to more sustainable traffic in the Netherlands. His experience includes designing and realizing charging infrastructure for electric cars and buses, drawing up future-proof mobility policy at municipalities or organisations, and studying the impact of electric charging infrastructure on integration and grid capacity.


VOLT - determining the best possible locations for EV charging

VOLT is a smart GIS software service that comes with charging infrastructure consultancy services for road authorities and public transport providers. Making forecasts for the amount of (semi) public loading poles needed on neighborhood level, using different data sources such as EV sales forecast, demographic and social data. Based on these forecasts, design of public space and local policy like the aim to spread or concentrate (car sharing) charging and availability of capacity in energy networks, VOLT determines the best possible locations for charging poles. Furthermore, it assists road authorities with the TRO’s-process and is being used to monitor and manage concessions with charging pole operators.